
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So My Insurance Does Not Pay For Chiropractic

Even though I am paying tons of money for COBRA and my former company, a good company, is helping me.

I found out from the pastor of Rancho Community Church on Temecula Parkway, that the church has a free clinic every Wednesday night and also a chiropractor who volunteers his evening.

This is the same church that gives bagfuls of cans and organically grown vegetables (from the church's Rainbow farmlands) and fruits to people in need every Wednesday.

Because I recently sprained my back, I opted to go to this healer, since the pills my medical doctor threw at me had little to no effect.

For two weeks I walked around like Quasimodo, with no relief, until the minister told me about the chiro.

The chiro over the past two weeks has straightened out my spine, made my legs match (one was shorter than the other because of the hitch in my back, and told me to continue what I have been doing, swimming in heated water, light-weight resistance weight training and torso twists.

And he told me I should come back next week; he did not hustle me out the door, even though there were people waiting for some relief.

Wow...there is help out there for people in need.

While waiting outside an RV for my turn, I met up with a woman whom I knew as a school crossing guard at Vail Elementary School, where we used to take my great-niece.

She needed her lungs checked before some surgery.. Her son is headed to an Ivy League school, her daughter a 14-year-old who plays the flute and wants to be a veterinarian.

They are both GATE students, which means they are taking honors classes in everything.

You know what? The people who need help are not low-life drug addicts, or so-called lazy welfare trash. They are working class mothers and fathers who are trying the best for their kids and who do not have the coverage they need.

So they sit outside in the cold, patiently awaiting their turns, in darkness, except for the light over the RV door and the registration table.

This is the richest country in the world, seriously, and there are a lot of wonderful things about it. But a woman with a lung infection, a former reporter with a twisted back, a crossing guard who is worried her asthma will flare up, and various and sundry others who need a little help, should not have to wait in the fucking cold for some mercy.

Kudos to Rancho Community. They are doing a wonderful thing for the community.

The disgrace is that they must.

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